Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How funny

I was thinking this week that I might want to start a blog to talk about things, whatever came to mind really, but guessing it might end up being a lot to do with mama-ing, cooking, yoga, spirituality, tea, and pretending like I live in the forest even though I live in the city.

I popped over to and then this blog I'd started 2 and a half years ago came up. Hah! I'd forgotten all about it! Goes to show how much time I put into myself. Also goes to show how scatter-brained I can be.

I guess the underlying theme in all of this is "when do I start my life?". "What would it look like if I did?". "What is stopping me?". I'm turning 37 this year. That's nearly 40. I really ought to get on with the show. I think back to being a small child, even just 6 and 7, and having such a constant feeling of urgency - that "something big" was right around the corner. I've always dreamed of more and bigger and further away. Perhaps I read too many books when I was small. I really thought I'd be living half way across the world, raising babies out of slings and backpacks. I am going to write a list of things I want to do by my 40th birthday. Maybe that will help.

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